
Class #10 Table Manners

Table Manners

★ Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience.

No, I haven't. But I wanna go there someday! I think each country restaurants have original manner. For example...how to use the dishes, how to eat, and so on.
So, I wanna know^^

★ Did you learn anything?

When I went to a French restaurant, I learn fork and knife use from outside^^;


Class #8 Weddings


★ Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Why?
I think it's good idea. Because Wedding is (may be) only once, so I want to have a massive wedding like these. Wedding is important event for our life!

★ What do you think about eloping? Is it a good idea or romantic? Why?
"eloping" sounds good. But I think it's not good idea. It's romantic for the couple, but if they did it, will make one's presence felt.

★ Have you ever thought about having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii? Would you do it? Why?Or Why not?
No, I haven't. Having awedding in a foreign location is very nice, but I think the cost is may be expensive...so I want to hold in Japan ;d

★ What is your ideal wedding?
My ideal wedding is gorgeous and heartful. everyone enjoyed, I'm so happy.

In my wedding, I want to wear kimono.

★ What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?
I want to traditinal style wedding, and I will preare various things.(dress/nail&hair/skin... )
Because it's big event for me!

★ Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?
No I haven't. I want to go someday:)

Class #7 Superstition


★ Which part surprised you the most?
I surprised about "apple soup" and "Christmas cookie". I think "apple soup" is kind of dessert, but it is not dessert:o!! I want to know what taste. And "Christmas cookie" is decoration of Christmas tree for Danish people. I don't know it is not eat.

★ What kind of Danish food do you want to try?
I want to try to eat apple soup and Danish pastry! Japanese pastry is very delicious, so I would like to eat pastry made in Danish. I think Danish pastry may be so sweet!

★ Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class?
May be yes. I think superstition can know the each country's culture and history.. So it is important to talk in class.

★ Is communication affected by superstitions?
Yes, it is! I think peoplefrequently say superstitions in different situation.

★ Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?
I don't believe them, but my parents and grandmother often says when I did somethings.
For example, When I whistled in nignt, they says "snake will appear! ".

Class #6 Time


★ Please explain a time proverb in your culture.

I want it desperately.
for example: That violin makes her mouth water. / She wants that violin more than anything else in the world.

★ What do the following proverbs mean:

a. Time is money.
=Time is very important. So it doesn't spend on uselessly.

b. A stitch in time saves nine.
=Look before you leap. / An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

c. There's no time like the present.
=Now is the best time to do it.

d.Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.
=I couldn't understand it:(


Class# 3

The language of cothes

★ Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?
Yes, but sometimes not. Because the cloth express the person. But I think appearance are often not so.

★ Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?
Yes, I do. I think it's common things of the world.

★ What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?
Today, I'm wearing gray and black (argyle) . It's reflects my mood. ^_^;

★ What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?
I have never discuss about politics ( election, taxation, education...). So I wanna know about this.

★ Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.
I don't have such a friend. But if I have different friends, I feel not good. So I will not concern the friends.


Class # 2

Death and Funerals

★How would I express condolences to them if a family member died?
May be... I sad so much, and I write a letter for my family...about recollections.

★ Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?
No, I haven't.

The language of clothes

★Why are Japanese designer label crazy?
Japanese people likes high quality goods. When got, makes they happy.

★Why is what you wear so important?
Because when people see me, the cloth disply mine.

★What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?
I think it means that the books should judge after finish to read it, that it to say "Don't judge the appearance."


Class #1

★refrecting the first class

"wrapping" is not economy.

★where do you go when you die?

I think we go to the sky. And we become a star.

★why do japanese have death memorial services 1month, 1year, 3years, 7years, etc after a person's death.

I think it is the taradition. People pray the soul to guard ours.